this a a cross between catasetum susan fuchs x catasetum pileatum green gold. flower is 3inches across and 2 inches in height. despite the dark red color, i must admit that i adore the shape of this flower more than its color. another spike is setting in as well. for a first growth from a bare bulb, the second spike is a bonus to me.
though i had several catasetum penang before this, this particular plant comes with a significant meaning behind it. this plant is given to me, from my very first vendor from where i got my catasetums, from someone whom he didn't pay much attention to initially when i was a green horn to catasetums to someone whom he remembered that i bought catasetums from him previously and till we can share experience about catasetums cultivation and one fine day where he gave me this plant when i visited his nursery. i asked him "how much for this one?". he replied "its for you and in return just show me the flower when it does."
well i am sure this small compot does not means much to him but to me it s recognition from a senior orchid enthusiast towards my catasetums growing ability has already comes to a certain standard.
that day not only i got a new plant into my collection but also a herculean encouragement to my catasetum indulgence.