Wednesday, May 15, 2013

catasetum atratum x purum

just bloomed today, 15 of them, another plant with slightly higher count which is to bloom by end of this week. as usual, the green ones are always one of my favorite

first pic below, my two mother plant, the spike are long, initially semi erect and become arching as the flower develops. spike are long, slightly under 18 inches

closeup of the flower 

appearance of the flower on lateral view,

closer view of the entire spike

final appearance of the flower at full bloom, lateral sepals slightly to the lateral compare to the above

Thursday, May 2, 2013

catasetum macroglossum, flower detail

just thinking of sharing this spike of macroglossum and also the same time to add in the detail of the flower anatomy.

such a coincidence that ll the sepals,petals and including the pedicle length and also the height of the labellum is 3.5cm. the labellum reminds me of the inner endocarp of an unripe mango。

 the pic below, bisection of labellum longitudinally showing the location of the callus just behind the tip of the labellum, not visible from normal frontal view

closeup of the flower from frontal view

lateral view of them, lining up in a row

the appearnce of the entire plant

closer view on the entire spike

some of my blooms in the first four months on the year

here are a couple of blooms that bloom in the first four months of this year, mostly of them i had posted with detail description of them before. so i am just sharing their pic here. enjoy.....

frist pic below, hermaphrodite flowers of Catasetum Chong Keng Yong

Catasetum integerrimum (below)

My catasetum Penang (susan fuchs x pileatum 'green gold' - type II)

One of my early hybrid acquisition, catasetum Redland Black Cherry

lastly, catasetum Susan Fuchs 'yellow bird'