Tuesday, August 30, 2016

catasetum tabulare

a recent bloom of the catasetum tabulare. only with two flowers but unfortunately something bored a hole through the labellum as they were about to open.
the flowers were completely perfect before i went outstation and three days later when i came back, one with full bloom but the other one busted. both the labellum had something bored into it and must have triggered the pollina to eject in one of them,

the black coloration just above the tongue like callus is actually a hole, through and through. not visible in the pic because of the black background

the damage labellum from the back view

actual color of the flower, in natural background settung


second spike that develop

Friday, August 5, 2016

twin bracts, twin flower on another bracts and without lateral sepals!

just when i thought that i would not be posting the same catasetum i posted here before multiple times but then again it did something extraordinary for a catasetum.

first it developed a twin bract and lower down the same spike, two flowers on the same bract. this is something not common for catasetums, for the 100 over spikes i had witness, this is the first time for me.

the twin flower that develop on one single bract

twin bracts that develop side by side

had to post the lip of the cristatum alba, couldn't resist the beauty of it

the two last pic is the smaller twin flower that opened up last, after all the others had wilted, but another surprise, NO LATERAL SEPALS!

This little one is just full of surprises..... =)