Saturday, March 24, 2012

catasetum cirrhaeoides

this is another one of those mini catasetum series and cited as part of the catasetum pulchrum complex.
this particular plant is currently about three inches tall, the flower are sweet smelling and at times smells like faint manuka honey smell to me. the flower is about three inches in width and an inch tall (similar to the denticulatum that i had). just got this plant not too long ago, and hope that it will grow into into larger specimen in the future for i had seen some pics of this plant that bears more than thrity flowers in a spike!
the first pic here is the plant condition when it first arrive in my garden and the rest are during the blooming period.
this plant actually belongs to the batch of catasetum with the worst bulb rot problem when it came. here is a the link to what happen to the batch of catasetums
this is the first to flower from that batch and i do hope all will follow the similar path, however it is a long shot as a few is still struggling to overcome the bulb rot problem.

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